What Does a Mommy Makeover Consist of and More: Your Top Questions Answered

Woman in grey undergarments holding a baby. (MODELS)

When it comes to plastic surgery, few procedures are as transformative and empowering as a Mommy Makeover. As a board-certified plastic surgeon in the Fort Worth area, I’ve been honored to help countless women sculpt their bodies and reclaim their pre-pregnancy look. 

The prospect of surgery can naturally feel daunting, so to help you make the best decision for yourself, I’ve put together this one-stop guide to some of the most popular Mommy Makeover questions I encounter at my practice.

What is a Mommy Makeover surgery?

Mommy Makeover surgery can be best thought of as a cosmetic surgical package that targets areas affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Rather than a single, standard procedure, a Mommy Makeover targets multiple areas of the body and is personalized to your unique goals. Not every Mommy Makeover will consist of the same procedures, but all surgical interventions will be performed in one operation.

Is a Mommy Makeover only for moms?

No. Any woman in good health can pursue a Mommy Makeover. We recommend that mothers—or women planning to have children one day—wait until after their families are complete. While a Mommy Makeover won’t impact your ability to have kids, the strain on your body caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing can undo or heavily impact your surgical results.

What does a Mommy Makeover consist of?

As already mentioned, a Mommy Makeover consists of two or more cosmetic procedures completed during the same surgery. Your plastic surgeon will design a treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals to help you achieve your ideal body. Some of the most popular procedures included in a Mommy Makeover include:

  • Breast Augmentation to increase the size of the breasts and correct asymmetry
  • Breast Lift to raise and reshape lax, sagging breasts
  • Breast Reduction to decrease breast volume and alleviate strain on the back and shoulders
  • Tummy Tuck to remove loose skin and unwanted fat from around the midsection
  • Liposuction to suction out excess fat and create smooth body contours

Is performing more than one surgery at a time safe?

Yes. Mommy Makeovers are safely and successfully performed each day. Provided that the patient is in good overall health and working with a well-trained plastic surgeon (who is committed to upholding the highest clinical standards), the risks of complications are minimal.

How long does a Mommy Makeover take?

Depending on which procedures are involved, a Mommy Makeover can generally be completed within 4 to 6 hours, which is well under the upper limit for how long a patient can be safely under anesthesia.

Is a Mommy Makeover painful?

Like any surgery, a Mommy Makeover involves a certain amount of discomfort. You will likely feel sore and tight around your treatment areas and may have difficulty moving around. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe you pain medication and will give you detailed post-operative instructions to ease the recovery process.

What is the Mommy Makeover recovery like?

The recovery process largely depends on which procedures you include in your Mommy Makeover. A tummy tuck can take twice as long for you to resume non-strenuous activities than liposuction might, while different areas of the body will heal at different rates. For example, the final results of your breast augmentation may take 3 months to settle, while a tummy tuck may take up to six months for the swelling to fully subside.

While it is difficult to outline your Mommy Makeover recovery week by week, you can generally expect to take 1 to 2 weeks off work to let your body rest. Non-strenuous activity can gradually be introduced towards the end of this time frame, but vigorous exercise can be resumed after the 6-week mark. Your plastic surgeon will guide you through each step of the recovery process so you will know exactly what to expect and how to take the best care of yourself during this critical time.

Read our tips for an easier Mommy Makeover recovery in this separate blog post.

How do I know if a Mommy Makeover is right for me?

Because a Mommy Makeover can be customized to include a range of procedures, it can benefit anyone who has gone through major body changes such as pregnancy or significant weight loss. A Mommy Makeover is especially useful for those who struggle with excess, sagging skin, breast asymmetry or loss of volume, or who want to correct visible signs of aging in their bodies. We recommend that patients be at or near their goal weight, done with having children, and in good physical health before pursuing surgery.

How much is a Mommy Makeover in Texas?

If all of the above sounds great to you, and you’re wondering, “How much for a mommy makeover?”, the short answer is: it varies.

In the Dallas and Fort Worth area, the price of a Mommy Makeover ranges from $15,000 to $25,000. The final cost depends on which procedures you choose and the extent of your operation. Some practices may also offer financing options to qualified patients.

Please note: Although it may be tempting to look for the most affordable option, you can’t put a price on your safety, comfort, and well-being. Always research your plastic surgeon’s credentials (look for ones who are board-certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons), look at their mommy makeover before and after photos, read real patient reviews, and always trust your instincts.

If you would like to learn more about what a Mommy Makeover can do for you, please request a consultation using the online form, or call us at (817) 442-1236 to schedule your appointment.
